Best Yoga Teacher Training School in Rishikesh




Rishikesh is the yoga capital of the world and being a holy city it is the most popular destination for all the travelers from all over the world. Rishikesh has something what we can not describe in the worlds butyou can feel it, when you are here.

Best Yoga Teacher Training School in Rishikesh

Meditate and practice in the foothills of the Himalayas as the ancient sages have done for thousands of year. Bathe in the pure clean and sacred Ganges River; life is Holy here. Exotic and vibrant smells, colors, tastes,traditions, people, and landscapes; a country that cannot be forgotten and certainly should not be missed.

Meditate and practice in the foothills of the Himalayas as the ancient sages have done for thousands of year. Bathe in the pure clean and sacred Ganges River; life is Holy here. Exotic and vibrant smells, colors, tastes,traditions, people, and landscapes; a country that cannot be forgotten and certainly should not be missed.

Rishikesh has a spectacular view of jungle-clad hills. Rishikesh has also a confluence of River Ganges. The glorious attraction of Rishikesh is none other than the great river the Ganges herself, running rapidly throughout the city. Apart from spirituality now Rishikesh is also a hub for the adventure activities such as rafting, camping, trekking, and bungee jumping. Rishikesh is full of tourists every time. There are also big ashrams, centers for Yoga, Meditation, Ayurvedic Massage, and astrology are here. Rishikesh is also known as the white water rafting capital of India.

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